Are you ready to embody the most






you once and for all?

You're in the right place 

One of the most common things I hear all. the. time. is...

"I know I'm meant for something great... I just can't figure out what that is exactly. I feel... lost."


"It's like I keep living the same mundane year over and over on repeat knowing  
something needs to change. I want to manifest an amazing life, but I feel stuck."


Can you relate?

Introducing: Activate Your Magick

Your ULTIMATE Pathway to Divine Clarity and Radiant Inner Power 💫

If your answer to "can you relate" was UMMM YES SADIE UR READING MY MIND, then Activate Your Magick is designed for you. 

In this 9 week transformational program, I will help you go from feeling lost and unaligned to bubbling the f*ck over with crystal clear clarity and magickal new levels of inner empowerment so you can actually make magick and manifestation WORK FOR YOU.

I'm SO good at teaching on divine clarity in the context of manifestation because I've been where you are.  

Not so long ago, I was feeling burnt out, confused, and aching for more as I clocked in and out of building someone else's dream.

My soul just knew there was something else for me out there, just like you probably feel in yours.

Through my unique approach to mindset, magick, and manifestation, aka every single foundational tool I teach inside this program, I've made it to the other side.

(BTW - It feels reallllly juicy, expansive, and FUN over here! Think: limitless possibilities, next-level confidence, magick at your fingertips... 🍒)

In addition to my personal experience, I've helped so many women enter this program with question marks floating around their hearts and walk away with immense amounts of "I know exactly who I am, exactly what I want, and exactly what I am EXCITED to do next." 

Activate Your Magick Includes...

LIFETIME access to my powerful program divided into 9 transformative weeks.

Join as a VIP and meet with me 1:1 EVERY week of the program (Truly unmatched accountability & my psychic insight will take your magick to THE next level 🔥)

Plus ALL the EPIC BONUSES you'll soon learn about! 

Week 1: Activate Your Frequency 

Get excited for a deep dive into the vibrational universe, what living in alignment truly means, and integrating magickal daily practices in your life that actually work! Vibrations, frequencies, quantum magick.. I make it all SO simple to understand so it finally clicks.

 Week 2: Activate Your Desire ✨
It's time to dig in and unearth your deepest desires. The ones your soul has been yearning to bring forward. During this week, you’ll make a powerful commitment to yourself like never before (get excited, babe 😍) and learn how to set unshakable intentions.


 Week 3: Integration Week #1 ✨
The energy is shifting BIG time. As you begin to embody your downloads and breakthroughs from the first two weeks of the program, melt into the magick of a nourishing group reiki healing replay, a guided tapping exercise, a dreamy guided meditation, and more.


✨ Week 4: Activate Your Intuition ✨
I'm obsessed with this week. Did you know you've been psychic all along? It’s time to meet your ego, your intuition, the Spirit world, your unique psychic clairs, and learn what it means to truly live intuitively. I also share how to overcome common intuition blocks and guide you through boundaries and protection as you navigate new depths of your inner world.


✨ Week 5: Activate Your New Truth ✨
This week is BIG. Emotional. Powerful. Ahh! It’s time to finally let go of what no longer serves you. POOF. This week takes courage, and your time is NOW. Let’s move through fears, limiting beliefs, and forgiveness while you bravely re-write your story. This powerful week is an alumni fave.


✨ Week 6: Integration Week #2 ✨
Allow surrender and forgiveness to flow you through you as you integrate the huge ah-ha moments from the past two weeks. Then pull up a front row seat to a cord cutting ritual sure to give you big chills in the best way. It's time to leave the past BEHIND for good.


✨ Week 7: Activate Your Soul’s Purpose 
Baby, you're a FIREWORK. It's all been leading up to this epic moment. Ignite and explore your unique and profound divine purpose in this illuminating week. We’ll dig deep to discover who you are, why you are here, and what kind of legacy you want to create. I LOVE week 7!!


✨ Week 8: Activate Your Inner Witch ✨
Your gorgeous inner witch is ready to make life MAGICKAL AF! In week 8, I guide you through the principles of manifestation and show you how you can create the DREAM life you’ve discovered throughout the course of the program. I also unpack the 12 universal laws, riff on embodiment, and guide you through a highly-implementable Goal Setting Workshop.


✨ Week 9: Integration Week #3 ✨
Pour the champagne and draw a bubble bath, bb! You’ve made it to the end of this life-changing program! Celebrate how far you’ve come, and join me for a Manifestation Spell Jar step-by-step guided replay. The foundation you've been craving has been set. YOU CAN BUILD ANYTHING UPON IT 🤩

And don't even get me started on the bonuses... 

Instant LIFETIME access to these EPIC BONUSES! 🔥 

💋 Sadie's Hot Juicy Guide to Sex Magick
Is it hot in here or just you manifesting?

🎧 DREAMY Guided Meditation Collection

🔥 The Alchemy Vault

Handpicked masterclass replays from my monthly membership, the Alchemy Collective, including...  

- Manifestation and the Magick of Meditation
- Intuition Unblocked: Active Your Psychic Power
- Abundance Alchemy: Spellwork for Money Manifestation

🔮 Basic Witch 101: An Introduction to Witchcraft 

This mini-course will be your new witchy go-to!! My simple and empowering approach to everyday magick (i.e. learning how to make the mundane magickal AF so witchcraft becomes a natural part of who you are and how you BE) has inspired hundreds of confident witches worldwide! 

Are you ready to discover divine clarity...
& create a life  epically aligned with your purpose, passion and power?


Are you ready to...








 4 Monthly Payments of $500

One Full Payment of $2,000



I invite you to take a moment to imagine what's possible for you...


💖 What would it be like to wake up every morning feeling deeply rooted in your purpose?

💖  To move through life knowing exactly how to use magick & manifestation to build your dream life?

💖  To no longer struggle with uncertainty and instead tap into the frequency of the life you were born to create?

🪄 I want you to know you can really have it all. 


Why am I the witch to help you activate your magick? 

LOTS of reasons, babe! For starters...

Hi, I'm Sadie (@iamsadieolson) and I am an expert at making energetic alignment for witchy babes *irresistibly* simple. I'm here to help YOU

  •  Demystify the mystical
  •  MELT into meditation
  •  Gain crystal clear clarity on your purpose and passions
  •  Understand ur gorgeous vibrational frequency
  •  & Shift your energy quickly like a sorceress!

I'm your psychic witch bff helping you manifest your hottest life with magick and daily rituals!

Ever since I can remember I struggled with chronic anxiety and crippling fear. I had big, BIG dreams in my heart, but these things kept me frozen and feeling small.

From a very young age my late mother (shoutout Barbie! 😇) used magickal tools like meditation, tapping and visualization to help me heal and live a more joyful life.

For awhile... I lost my way.

For most of my 20's I felt like my life was in shambles. I felt depressed, hopeless and like my daydreams were impossible.

I re-discovered this magick in 2019 and it completely transformed my life... Now I use these transformative tools and rituals to not only live joyfully, but to live as BIG as possible, following my true heart's desires.

And I became obsessed with helping YOU do the same.

I've helped hundreds of magickal souls just like you live more joyfully, tap into deep and profound spiritual experiences and create lives that are the biggest, boldest expression of their true heart's desires.

Now? I'm living out that "impossible" dream of being a digital nomad. I travel where I please, when I please and I have an insanely inspiring community (YOU!!) of witches and mystical souls who are transforming their lives with the help of my work!

I've helped my clients go bigger and deeper in their unique inner magick in all sorts of ways... from finally launching their dream businesses, leaving unaligned relationships, to sharing their art and making huge, courageous decisions toward their happiness and a purpose-driven life.

Want even more deets? Gladly 💫

In 2020, I was a burnt out retail worker 😅 who had just discovered this word called manifestation...

 Fast forward 4 years, and my life has completely turned upside down thanks to my unique methods of mindset, magick, and manifestation. Since then...

🦋 I became a full time witchy manifestation mentor & digital nomad living my DREAMS daily

🔮 I developed my intuitive gifts and became a professional psychic, doing readings at VIP celebrity events & even getting booked to film for tv shows. 

🤯 I manifested a reality television development deal with THEE BIGGEST reality company in the world. Whattt?!

💖 I called in a powerful community of witches from all over the world 

✈️ I've hosted the most incredible sold-out retreats for witches around the world!

🔥 I've co-designed and printed TWO gorgeous oracle decks!! 

❣️ ALL THIS JUICINESS without a manager, an investor, an agent, publisher, advertising (I tried, but got blocked due to witchcraft LOL), or a production company supporting me. 

I am ~ literally just a girl ~

A very ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams who decided to take a chance on believing in myself.

Just like I believe in YOU. 

I know how to shine a light on divine purpose. And here's the thing...

My students who've gotten the BIGGEST and most EPIC results? 

They recognized a bolder, more magickal version of THEMSELVES in my brave and unapologetically big expression… and somehow knew that hanging out in my sparkly orbit would bring their own inner empowered witch out of hiding and into the spotlight.


If that’s you, it would be my F*CKING HONOR to be your mindset, magick, and manifestation mentor inside of Activate Your Magick!


Are you ready to discover divine clarity...
& create a life  epically aligned with your purpose, passion and power?


Are you ready to...








 4 Monthly Payments of $500

One Full Payment of $2,000